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The image features the front end of a car with a visible license plate reading 'OE NR 30'. The car has a sleek black grille and is parked in front of what appears to be an industrial or shipping container backdrop.
The image features the front end of a car with a visible license plate reading 'OE NR 30'. The car has a sleek black grille and is parked in front of what appears to be an industrial or shipping container backdrop.

Entre em contato conosco para serviços de transferência, licenciamento e emplacamento de veículos.


Estamos localizados na Avenida Tenente Marques, 3.025, Polvilho, Cajamar, SP. Venha nos visitar para serviços de despachante veicular.


Avenida Tenente Marques, 3.025


Seg a Sex


O Siga Despachante é uma empresa especializada em serviços de despachante veicular. Nossa equipe é formada por profissionais experientes e qualificados, comprometidos em oferecer solu&ccedi . . A empresa Siga Assessoria e Palestra de Transito de CNPJ 34.226.657/0001-93, fundada em 16/07/2019 e com razão social Siga Despachante e Assessoria de Transito LTDA, está localizada na cidade Cajamar do estado São Paulo. Sua atividade principal, conforme a Receita Federal, é 82.99-7-99 - Outras atividades de serviços prestados principalmente às empresas não especificadas anteriormente. Sua situação cadastral até o momento é Ativa.


Confira nossos serviços de despachante veicular e assessoria.

A close-up of a car's rear featuring a personalized license plate with the text 'GUILTY'. The vehicle is painted with red and gray colors, and the plate has a pink ribbon design, commonly associated with breast cancer awareness.
A close-up of a car's rear featuring a personalized license plate with the text 'GUILTY'. The vehicle is painted with red and gray colors, and the plate has a pink ribbon design, commonly associated with breast cancer awareness.
Close-up of a California license plate showing black characters including the letters and numbers 7YDA952 in a monochromatic color scheme.
Close-up of a California license plate showing black characters including the letters and numbers 7YDA952 in a monochromatic color scheme.
A vintage car with a classic design is parked outdoors, prominently displaying a license plate with the numbers 4473 SJ 21. The car is captured in grayscale, highlighting its distinctive round tail lights and the intricate detailing on the rear vent and bumper.
A vintage car with a classic design is parked outdoors, prominently displaying a license plate with the numbers 4473 SJ 21. The car is captured in grayscale, highlighting its distinctive round tail lights and the intricate detailing on the rear vent and bumper.
A dark green, compact car is parked in an indoor garage. The focus is on the car's rear, showing a shiny surface, taillights, and a close-up of the license plate with foreign characters. The environment is modern and well-lit, with concrete flooring and minimal barriers.
A dark green, compact car is parked in an indoor garage. The focus is on the car's rear, showing a shiny surface, taillights, and a close-up of the license plate with foreign characters. The environment is modern and well-lit, with concrete flooring and minimal barriers.
A close-up view of the front portion of a silver Kia car, focusing on the license plate area. The license plate frame features a sign with the text 'I'D RATHER BE FISHING' written in bold letters.
A close-up view of the front portion of a silver Kia car, focusing on the license plate area. The license plate frame features a sign with the text 'I'D RATHER BE FISHING' written in bold letters.